My super red thrower Build

So here we have a UF502B custom painted by me. What appears to be a XR-E RED led (I am unsure, but the gold leads inside the emitter are in the center…& the dome is surrounded by a metal circle), A custom P60 reflector that I stripped sand blasted and painted with special silver textured paint (from Harley Davidson) and a 1 mode 500mA +/- driver. Last but not least single 18650. Here is emitter Yes, there is a CRACK in the dome”YIKES” no idea how it got there i wish i could replace this LED or DEDOME. Light off Light on Phat hot spot 55 Feet away! White VHF antenna 100+ Feet away, Look at it glow RED lol The Convex lens is a cheap plastic 28mm X 8.8mm tall. I will be replacing with a 28X8mm glass. Notes…The B function in this thread doesnt seem to bold all my text thats why you see this symbol —> *

Congrats on the build. So basically you have modded it internally and almost every externally visible surface. Talk about making a light totally yours. That flat black and the reflector look great. You may be onto something there with the reflector mod. Sure does seem to have nice output.

Would be cool to know how that reflector you modded compared in output to a stock OP reflector. Even if somewhat less output, it seems like a cool option. Can the average joe acquire and use that paint or does it require special mixing and safety equipment/procedures?

Oops light is flat dark olive. Thanks.
standard reflector and convex is ugly and no throw.

flat dark olive. I see it now. Very nice.

Regarding the reflector paint, can the average joe acquire and use that paint or does it require special mixing and safety equipment/procedures?

cOmes in a rattle can it’s $40 a can. No special req

Thank you for the follow up Mr. Nobody.

So many folks have ruined reflectors. Based on your beam shots, that paint you used seems like a potentially viable repair option. If you ever get a light meter (you can get a decent one for like $12), it would be great to hear what reading you get say at 10 feet compared to a comparable OP reflector. I take it the painted reflector was something like this.

I know of no paint that adequately reflect. Hoping your paint is the exception, but I'm not about to spend $40 for a can to find you.

Really seems to throw well for a red light! I like the flat olive color as well. Spray paint?

That’s it except it was a smooth reflector I would never thrash a OP unless it was a bad OP reflector (heavy OP etc) now the green paint on the host is from the Rustoleum Camo line/ Yes it is rattle can. I also baked the paint at 300 deg for a few a while

I hear you about not wanting to trash an OP reflector. I only picked the OP reflector for the picture cause I think that would be the best suited reflector to compare with your modified reflector for measmeasurement purposes.