My Trustfire AK-90 could still be brighter...

This reminds me of my hotrod days, you can have a extremely fast car, but it still isnt fast enough.

Im going to try and wedge (8) 26650 batteries in a double stack radial fashion. The then I will be able to turn the HB driver up to 3200ma. According to Matches test with the XML2 mounted on copper, I will be just shy of 1200 lumen each emitter. 12x1200=14,400. :open_mouth:

I will wedge as much copper in the driver chamber as possible. The driver chamber is huge on this light. Here is my goal:

Am I crazy? Or should I just be happy with the 10K lumen I have? Haha!


Until you ruin my nightvision in Belgium, it’s not enough!

In before the explosion… 8)

It funny you say that about night vision! At night I can bounce it of our porch ceiling. We prepare ourselves before we turn it off because we know it takes a few seconds for our night vision to come back!


At 3200ma I believe that will put it at a hair over 130 watts!

Has anyone else built something ridiculous as this?

that would be totally insane. let me know when you get tired of this light, i want first dibbs.
how many watts are you at currently? my ak47 is doing 90 watts right now.

My AK90 is currently only a little over 83 watts. So your pushing 3A in your AK47? How many batteries are you using? What driver?

I just ordered a TR-J18. I’m changing the emitters to XML2-U2 and want to do 3.2A. I need another battery extension tube though. Know where I can get one?


the person that modded my light (richie086) told me my light is doing 8.14 amps at 90 watts. whatever this means.
he said the driver that is in my ak47 is discontinued. the newer version is only at 5 amps.

not sure where you can get another extension tube.