Need 16340 cells

And a new size
“Only 18650” is how it started, soon some 26650 came
And now thanks to X3 I am looking at two Olight Batons that need CR123 or 16340 cells.
IN one there was the Olight cell, measuring it now.
In the other a primary.

So it is time for an order

X referred me to HJKs test stting trustfires are decent:
These trustfire cells
Like that Fasttech shows tests of cells

So I saw these:
Other trustfires a little higher in mAh, little lower in voltage

But there is an doubling in price for shipping and Fasttech is not the fastest.

Then I saw these:
Soshine on Ali

what to choose before the primary runs out :wink: ?

LOL it seems you have trouble typing my username :smiley:
Anyway, did you see these ones ?
HKJ tested and rated them good

Maybe you wanna look here:

DAMPFAKKUS.DE battery comparator

It’s a German website and a little fiddly to use. But you can compare up to 6 batteries!

Ha X# now X3 the — makes it italic

That site is useful
The soshine and trustfires could be compared and the truarfire is about twice the capacity at 2A and much more on 3A

Saw them on Ali for $5.40 for 2 shipped, put them in cart and if no new directions come from this thread order them tonight.

I have a couple efest 16340 cell, I use them in my PT16, S1, modded D25C and a laser. Absolutely no problems with them, high current capable and good capacity as well. However not the cheapest around…

Need 16340 cells? The first thing to do is count how many you already have. Then buy, borrow, and salvage until you reach your goal. I can’t imagine needing that many though. Whew! :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t see them at GB BG DX AE and shipping from US is ludicrous :wink: