Need a .brd file for the 20mm 3 x XP for a stencil

MtnE wants to carry the stencils for the 20mm and 35mm 3up Noctogons but I don’t think we ever got around to running up the .brd file so that stencils could be made. He says he has what he needs for the 35mm stencil so all we need is the file required to produce the 20mm one. The only one I know of is for the 3 x XM design. Any takers? Did someone already do this?

I did send RMM a copy in March. :~ I presume he got busy.

I was wondering this morning as I was looking for it if I was imagining ever having one! So many flashlight ideas floating around in this tiny brain of mine...

No, I don't have one for the 35mm 3up. I only have the original one with the XP, MT, XM, and other (XQ?) pads.

35mm 3up? You mean this 32mm one?

I dont use my stencil, does anyone want it? I think it was about $8 to buy. If you have a need for it (and will actually use it more than one time) PM me and I’ll mail it to you (US ONLY) no charge.

PM incoming CK

So you have the file for the 3 x 20mm XP but not for the new 3 + 1 x 35mm XP Noctogon, correct?

That's right. I think for that big boy you could just use one of the smaller ones though and be fine. I've never used a stencil, so I guess it will be a first for me! In my mind for the relatively large pitch components we use I imagine the stencil being more of a hinderance than a help, but I am going to order some and give it a go.

Until you know what the right amount of solder paste is it can be a pain either not having enough and failing to get a connection or having to much and floating high or both at once. The stencil takes the stress out of it.

I think maybe I got on of the last few 35mm boards so I’ll see if I can trim a stencil to fit between the other pads.