need a hunting light

It’s in New Zealand and Australia where they’re considered rodents of the most voracious kind by farmers and ranchers- they’ve become a huge problem there :wink:


That is the right LED but you should get it from here. It is mounted on DTP noctigon which means you can drive it up to 2.2amps vs 1.5amps on standard aluminum star.

Even though there is a remote switch in some of the pictures of this light, I have not found one for sale. You may have to contact brinyte directly for this. Or I have purchased a remote switch for a c8 and transverse the guts to the b158. Bummer is that you can’t switch between remote and clicks this way.

Does this help?

This video seems to go along with the general consensus of coyote hunters

Richard (RMM here on BLF) at Mtn Electronics will either have everything you need to work with your M24 Sniper or he can make that for you. PM him to see what he can do. Had I known you wanted a red emitter I wouldn’t have recommended it as other lights like the C8 and B158 are much easier to get that from. The B158 is still great for this but the remote switch will have to be a DIY thing while C8 remotes are available. If you go with a C8 you might want to ‘pot’ the MCPCB with epoxy to better handle recoil forces :wink:


I think I’m going to leave the M24 just as it is. I can use it around the farm for finding those stray cows at night…lol
I was on the Brinyte website and they show that they make a remote switch I just can’t find anyone who sells it. I think I’ll buy a B158 to see how I like it as a gun light and talk to RMM about parts to mod a C8 too. I also have the option of buying a commercially made light like Wicked lights, I was just trying to get something decent for less money.

I guess as a temporary solution , or as one that might even do what you need it to do , you could always try some red and/or green cling film cut to fit the lens on the M24 to see how that would do.

Lightbringer - yes you read correctly - we shot over 1000 rabbits in an evening twice within two weeks. Each time in about 6-7 hours shooting with 22s and 12 guage. This is when we were developing the Maxtoch hunting lights.

As to what we have against bunnies anyway? - in these numbers they totally eat out and destroy farms, eco environments. We are asked by Environment dept of our state/province to go in and cull them. Great fun :slight_smile: Hunters heaven and farmers very much appreciate the help.

Cute innocent little bunnies? Like Bambi, only, well, a bunny? Wow…

Have you considered napalm?

Wutcha do with the corpses? Lots and lots of hasenpfeffer?


“It Must Be Bunnies…”

So B-52s and saturation bombing are out of the question, I guess. Might be more efficient, though.

Still, that’s a lot of bunnies. Damn. Trying to wrap my brain around those numbers…

I’m in no hurry, I’m getting ready for next year, I still need to buy an electronic caller. My Grandson will be able to start going next year or the year after and that’s when I need to be up to full speed with everything.

I emailed Brinyte about the remote switch several days ago and have not got an answer yet.

Ild be interested to hear if they would sell one. I have not noticed one for sale anywhere ever.

Here’s the link.

When I emailed them I said that a lot of people were asking about them.

I found these. You would need to figure which one is the correct one though

Nice one on the pressure switches! Be aware, they do reduce the amps to your led, so it’s a bit less bright with remote pressure switch.

I have a brinyte B158 I want to convert for hunting with an IR oslon led. All the parts are in, just need time to build it. The pills are easy to swap, so I can use it with white XPL-hi led for a nightly search in the woods and only carry the extra pill.

Seems to be a well built light. I hope there is low spill, wich lowers your visibility in the field a bit compared to a reflector light.

That’s good to know.
For anyone who wants a pressure switch here’s the link.