need a recommendation for my nitecore tm16

I’m planning on getting 4 nitecore nl189 3400 for my nitecore tm16, it seems the most reasonable thing to do being they are made by the same company. I am wondering though if there is a better battery specifically for the tm16, I’m not very concerned about price, I only want what is best for my flashlight. Should I just stick with the nl189?

You need button-top battery for your TM16, and other than the NL189, which is a Panasonic NCR18650B cell inside, I would go for the newer Panasonic/Sanyo NCR18650GA-based battery, since it has higher capacity at 3500mAh (not that much over NL189 3400mAh), but has higher amperage discharge rate, which might benefit when running on turbo mode.
Example of these cells include Keeppower 3500, Orbtronic 3500, Evva 3500.

Just to share that there’s one guy at CPF who uses NL189 in his TM16 and basically he is not happy with the thick sleeve of his batteries which melted/deformed inside his TM16 when running on turbo mode, although I can’t really remember his exact comment though.

I do own TM16 and I just feed it with button-top protected Panasonic NCR18650B cells, which can be had for half the cost of NC NL189 (which basically is almost the same cell, but maybe using different protection circuit).

In my TM16 I use these: also same use in TK75 and K40M.

i modded mine to take any cells including real flat top …
running 30Q in it and i am happy.

ahem, was - atm its on the running stalled projects shelf because the noctigons for the XHP50s got lost … (:

Hey I remembered that guy too. Thought he was desperate until I saw another lengthy review he made on NC flashlight. Guess thick sleeves come by certain occasions but generally NC batteries are OK. I think the same way as Nicks that a flashlight comes best with its same-branded cells. Quite superstitious I know :bigsmile:

Thanks for all the recommendations, I’ve read that same thread about the nl189 sleeves which is why I wanted to ask. I’ll take a look into all the recommendations.

If you tell us your location I think will be easier for others to recommend what batteries and the stores to purchase from

I’m from Pennsylvania in the US. I purchased KeepPower P1835J 18650 3500mAh 3.7V from bang good.

You’re good to go then.
I’ve also some Keeppower 3500 that I purchased from Banggood recentyly.
The Keeppower is a good cell and Banggood is one of those reliable China’s online retailers.
Since you’re n the US, maybe you can also check Mountain Electronics for your next purchase

thanks for assurance of reliability. This is my first purchase from bang good. If all goes well certainly will not be my last. I’ll keep mountain electronics in mind as well, I’ve checked out the site before, it looks like some great stuff.