Anyone have one at a reasonable price?
What is a reasonable price? I am keeping mine, but if I see a deal on one I will let you know.
What for?
I guess you could let him borrow the BTU…
But hey, what am I talking about?
They are tombstones for their dead peckers…
and what will the mother in law get ? :bigsmile:
Dale, I thought you have TK70? You sold it already?
my father in law wants one…
thats the kind of guy i want to find for my daughter… in 35 years
I know, it is chance to make some gain. You bought at 150, can sell at 170, earn 20. This hobby can gain money occasionally. Of course, the only “barrier” is our wife. :bigsmile:
I am not that kind of person…. I will buy at cost & relay with no profit. Just trying to help out…
you can try pm CouldUseALight… he got one he wants to sell… i bought my TK75 from him
your father in law will be so happy :bigsmile:
I have one. But as I’m in Australia registered post is about $35!
I know you’re looking for a TK70 Dale but there’s a TK75 listed from the Darker Side (CPF) Marketplace for $159 delivered. Link
Appreciate it…. He wants something he can use alkaline batteries in…
A TK60 may be a better choice then. The Jetbeam BA20 has great regulation on Alkaline AAs too.
The 70
TK70 will not treat Alkaline as nice as TK60. I am quite sure TK70 won’t run in Turbo mode with Alkaline.
But the 70 will run at 930 lumens on alkalines. Nearly triple of what the 60 does.