I was thinking I’ll run the light till hot, (jaxman e2l 9+ amps) and pull off the domes with pliers, will that work? Everyone else i see is peeling them off with a scalpal
Even hot dedoming requires quite a bit of precision. The LED bond wires are extremely delicate and if they break the emitter is toast. The chance of success with pliers is quite low, so I really wouldn’t recommend it.
I can’t find the bond wires, i think the phosporus covers it, i guess I’ll just take them out and do the gas method, barley enough room for a blade anyway
Just to give an update i tried the scapal the dome came off with some phosphur then i said screw it I’ll try the pliers method on the other 2 and all the phosporus came off lol, it’s just a high powered uv light now, i think it’s because how the v5 is made with a heavy phospur coating on top that the dissolve method on these would be the best way,
In my opinion, and judging by the emitters currently available, it’s not worth dedoming.
What more throw from your XP-L HD? Get an XP-L HI.
Wan’t even more throw? Get an SST-20.
Want a freaking light saber? Get an OSRAM CSLNM1.TG.
I went from the v2 hi to v5 because my electonics did not have the v3 hi in stock, with the v5 domes the e2l was just a massive flood light i was very disappointed, at least the xpl hi had some intensity to it, the difference between the 2 LEDs was horrendous
Shaving the dome works well for me.
If you can find a metal washer that the center hole fits over the led in about the right thickness for shaving,
it makes a good guide to lay the razor on and keeps from shaving to close.

then i said screw it I’ll try the pliers method on the other 2 and all the phosporus came off lol
Haha, guess you just had to experience that one yourself, been there :+1: .
As others said dedoming is a bit unnecessary now days. Get yourself some nice sst20’s or xpl-hi.