Need help identifying the value of these resistors in Ohms?

I am planning in modding my TN-31 to get a 4-4.2 amp on high, I read on another forum that the resistors in the picture are the current sense resistors and replacing them with lower value ones will result in more current to the led

This is a pic of the driver, credit goes to Alexander in this Thread

What are the values in Ohms of these resistors (R082 in the pic)? Are they 0.82 ohms or are they 0.082 Ohms?

Another question, The member Alexander says that he used 33cm of 0.3mm copper wire soldered to each side of the resistor to get 4.4amps on high, How much resistance is that wire contributing to the circuit?

I am looking at some of the sense resistors at Fasttech and I am wondering which to use in parallel to achieve the same results, my guess is that a 0.5 or 0.4 ohm in parallel would do the trick but want a second opinion on that!

Thanks in advance for your help!

.082 Ohms = 82 milliOhms


Thank you PilotPTK!

The resistance of the copper wire he used is –17*Pi*0.33/(.3/2000)2 = 4x10 (I can’t do math right now apparently) very low. I doubt the driver’s MCU can sense voltage drop across that low of a resistance. That might cause issues with current limiting, but I’m interested in what the more experienced members here recommend. You could stack two or more of the SMD resistors Fasttech stocks on the stock 82mΩ resistors.

Personally, I’d just stack two 82 milliOhm resistors on top of the originals. That would double your current output.

It’s simple math here… Stack whatever you feel comfortable with…

if 41 milliohms gives you 2 Amps, then for 3 Amps, you’ll need

(2 * 41) / 3 = 27 milliohms

So, in that case, just stack one more 82 milliOhm resistor on there and you’ll be at 3 Amps.

*These numbers are fictional - I have no idea what that light pulls ‘stock’. The math, however, is the same.

Best guess is that they are 0805 size…


The OP in the german thread stacked another R082 and got 5.1amps to the led, I don’t want that much of an overdrive, just something around 4.3 - 4.5amp will make me happy, what resistor value should I stack on top of one of the R082 to get 4.3 - 4.5amps? I am guessing a value of 0.4 or 0.5 Ohm but I’m not sure

Going off that new info:

(5.1A * 27.33Ω) / 4.5A = 31 mΩ resistor

Stack a R130 (.13 Ohms) on top of one of them… or a R260 (.26 Ohms) on top of both.