Hi ! BLF modders
Ok, I’ve managed to gut the light, and I want to change the driver and possibly will need to change the switch, the original driver has a useless UI, cycle thru modes to turn off.
My thoughts were to use a Qlite driver from IO, but the current switch is just a clicky on off type, this obviously cannot work with a Qlite especially to change modes as you need the half press feature of a switch,
I’m happy to even change the XML emitter, just to get this light back to some usefulness,
Any thoughts on what drivers and switches to use?
Ah, nice find... I'll order one and mod it with a NANJG105C with custom firmware.
EDIT: Oh wait, it doesn't really have that two-stage switch that seems to be implied in FT's specs (heavy press, light press), does it? Pity, I wanted to have a light with that.
Well, if it's a normal momentary pushbutton, there are a couple of NANJG105Cs with custom firmware suitable for that. PM me if you want one.
Hi DrJones, the switch is the problem , it’s just a clicky with no two stage, I’m busy looking for a switch at the moment, if I get one I will certainly PM you.
isn’t it a two stage switch? why does it need 4 cables if its a single stage switch? (I understand you can need two separated circuits i a switch, but i don’t know why this light needs them if its a single stage switch)
Definitely a click on click off, the 4 cables confused me too , I think this light is capable of better UI, but they have the incorrect switch there, I don’t know enough to offer more.
Still looks like a momentary switch. Some of them have the "clicky sound". Test with a meter and see if the continuity shows it to be momentary or constant when clicking on/off.
Well, what about the other pins? LED, S2, S1, G. Does the switch connect S2 and S1 when pressed, or does it connect one or both of those to G? Should be fairly easy to find out for sure if it's a dual stage switch or not.
S1 and S2 should be the switch and led and G are power and ground for the two leds on the switch board. The resistor should also be for the leds on the board,but my batting average is a little low on electronics... Corrected in post #20 by DrJones. Glad he's here...