So we have a bunch injection molding machines at work here. Almost all 60 of them are all electric servo driven machines. So they also all have battery backups for the encoders on those servos. The OEM’s want like $35 a piece for a AA sized battery with a plug on it. I know I can get these batteries a lot cheaper but they do not have tabs on them to solder the plugs back onto.
So I have a couple of options.
1. Buy the $35 batteries
2. Find batteries with tabs so I can solder the plug back onto a new battery
3. Solder directly onto the battery anyways —— bad idea I think……
4. Source a bunch of single aa holders to solder the plug onto and just drop the batteries in.
you could modify it with one of these and be able to easily change out with energizer lithium cells. thats if they are the correct voltage, and there is room to work with in there
You can always cold solder, been doing this for years on heat sensitive things, uses a ultrasonic vibe to “melt” solder no heat involved.
Or go with battery holder idea, probably cheaper than cold solder iron as well.