Hey guys, I’m back in college, and commute on a bicycle to and from class, my problem is that on Wednesdays, I’m not coming home until 9:30PM (stupid late labs).
I need a bicycle light that can quickly/easily be detached and reattached to the bike, as my bike spends all day locked up on the edge of campus. About half the ride is on busier residential roads, the other half on hilly neighborhood roads with limited street lights, and a few intersections with stop signs.
Preferably, I hope to find a light I can order and have by next Wednesday, but if need be, I can harrison grip my sk-68 next Wednesday (like I did tonight) if the bike light is still in shipment. Also, being a college student, keeping cost low is very important. Being that this is a safety device, I don’t mind spending upwards of 50 bucks for host+cells but lower is better (I already have two chargers, can handle everything from 10440’s to 26650’s between them). Also, one that can handle some rain would be advantageous. A strobe for daytime visibility wouldn’t be terrible, but not required. The cell used is not important, as I plan on ordering a set or two of cells just for this light.
I’ve perused the forums here, and found a handful of threads about various bike lights, but most are well over a year old, and technology has advanced so much even in that relatively short period of time that I want to see what is out there, and what people have found useful.
I use and quite like the SolarForce X2. I got mine from CNQ. It comes with the battery pack and a charger. The light attaches to the frame with just an O-Ring making easy to pop on and off. The battery pack has a Velcro attachment. There is a secure twist connection to undo the lead from the light and attach the AC charger. I have had it out in the rain without issue but never soaked it. The batteries are wrapped but pouch is just nylon and not water resistant.
I’ve spent a lot of money trying to better my CygoLite Expilion 250 that I gave to my girlfriend, and I’m not sure it has happened with the flashlights purchased so far. That light is perfectly designed for bike use, with a perfect beam, tint, and it’s rechargeable from a USB port…no need for a recharger. My $.02
I would go for simple handle bar mount and SK-98 type of zoome. Cheap, adjustable and usefull enough. You can find all together just for $10. elsewhere
I’m assuming you already got some 18650 and as you said the charger.
Owning a couple dedicated bicycle lights in the $40-$50 range, I’d say go with a decent flashlight with a bicycle mount- because those ones that use the typical 4x18650 style battery packs usually have runtimes in the 1-2 hour range and 5 times as long to charge- that and the long cords are a pain to manage if you’re not doing a permanent install.
A well regulated light can run for that long on a single 18650 battery.
Decent runtimes are probably going to have you stick in the 18650 style light. And some of those holders require the light to have a clip. I have an Xtar B20, which I reviewed with run time tests.
and you can get it for $37 shipped right now.
My only complaint would be that the light is a bit bulky- so get a good mount.
Other than that, maybe something from Fasttechs Convoy line. Most can be had for around $20. I haven’t tested runtimes on them though, and many of the smaller convoys require unprotected batteries. Anyway that’s my two cents, from lights I have personally tested. The other option would be a magnetic control ring light but those are more than $50 for a light.
I don’t think things have advanced as much as you think in the past year. The new emitters are a bit brighter and have slightly longer runtimes but most people say they don’t really notice a difference.
I have been using that setup on my bike for over a year and have been very pleased. I don’t commute. My night time rides are short and for pleasure or just run an errand. I will go downtown and when I stop at a pub, I want to be able to just take off my light quicky to stop people from stealing it. The added benefit is I then have a powerful flashlight with me.
Thanks guys! Yeah, I’m probably gonna go with a standard 18650 and a handlebar mount….and if y’all think a standard “tube” 18650 light works well, I actually already have a Convoy s8 from Simon on it’s way from his “experience convoy” campaign that I’ll try out…It looks like it has roughly the same dimensions/reflectors as the F12 and HD2011
Oh, and I actually don’t have any 18650’s yet, but I have a couple Sanyo’s coming in from simon with the s8 to power it up
Oh, and speedsix, I like the name, but your pic doesn’t look like it’s a speed six I grew up shooting my dad’s Ruger speed six and his security six, and they’re now cowboy guns IIRC!
Does that mount hold the flashlight well over bumps and knocks? My crappy college town has some pretty poor roads, as my freshly-bruised buttocks can attest to
Ditto on the SS-X2, got mine from Fasttech, it should be enough of a light for some down hills. It is also lite enough that you could mount it on your helmet and stash the battery in a backpack.
You should also get some active RED tail light. I just picked up some cheap Ultrafire WB501B RED 5 mode Q5-LED 18650 flashlights and figure how you want to mount them. The light is much more focused than my Dinotte 140lm tail light and brighter, but you can’t beat the price (way way cheaper than what I originally paid for the Dinotte). I measured the tail cap current at approximately 1 amp on high, so run time should be between 1-2 hours depending on battery and mode (I would use the blinking modes)
I also have a Convoy S2 and C8 with 2.8 driver on my helmet for the to be seen mode although its pretty good for lighting the roadway as well. I prefer the S2 due to weight over the C8 although the C8 has more throw.
The only problem I see is getting anything by next Weds unless its local.
I did try mounting flashlights (trj18, trj12 and tr-3t6) to the handlebar and stem, but the vibration would cause them to change modes or shutoff and move. I eventually started mounting one of them to the helmet, that solved the inadvertent mode switching but added a lot of weight (all 2x18650) to my helmet.
Just remember that all these made in China lights may or may not have the best QA/QC. I’ve had plenty of trouble with weak solder joints that would be okay in normal use but under the vibration of a handle bar/stem mount would cause problems. I haven’t run a season on the SS-X2 so I can’t comment on the QC but the 4 or 5 times I’ve used it it’s been solid. Always carry a backup!
You might also want to check the mtbr light forum.
I don’t wear a helmet (stupid, I know) but it’s only for mostly 5-10 min bike rides to and from class and to and from the gym/rec center on campus.My main worry with the SS-X2 is quickly attaching and removing it due to the battery pack…and as for getting it by wed, my sk-68 is doing well enough just holding it between my knuckles for the time being. I’m going to wait and see how simon’s convoy s8 lights up, and probably just locally source a handlebar mount for it. Being a college down sandwiched about 30 mins inbetween two large cities with colleges as well, there is no shortage of bike shops in the area!
Worst case, I’ll tie the dern thing to my handlebars while I wait for a proper mount to ship in if I can’t find one
I’m still considering this, but as my convoy s8 just hit CONUS, I’m gonna give it a shot first…I saw your thread, and was leaning towards that, until I remembered I had already bought the s8
I don’t like headlamps on a bike…don’t like having the light source so close to my eyes, feel like everything washes out kinda.