need some help with turnigy accucell 8150/power supply

ok, didnt realize this when i ordered but this thing didnt come with any instructions

and an even bigger issue right now is that the power input is alligator clips and the power supply i bought is a barrel connector

this is the charger

this is the psu

i suppose i can just cut the barrell connector off and use it that way? or solder another connector on the psu and input of the charger? i am a little hesitant to perform surgery on this thing

help? :~

will this work?

I'm truthfully not sure, I think it will though. Here a bump is for someone mroe knowledgeable. :D

Cut both the barrel and the alligator clips off.
The middle wire of the barrel should be positive which goes to red , other wire to black easy as .
I used some m/f xt 60 connectors from hobbyking for joining
The connector you have linked will work if you dont want to solder

