Need someone to program 2 drivers please. TiVo to the rescue

I need 2- 1A boards programmed for strobe only (1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off). If someone can do this for me please pm me to work out payment details. I have about 6 weeks before I need them in hand. Thanks.

I can’t do it but i’m wondering what they are for

Rufus, PM sent. I forgot to ask, is it Nanjg style 17mm board?

I was assuming a Nanjg board just because they seem the easiest to reprogram.

Hi Bort, my brother bought a pedal/electric ebike last winter and is in need of some upgrades in the visibility department. This mod will take care of the turn signals. Other mods will be done for headlights, tail lights, and brake lights.

Did the code, build and programmed my L2N P60 wrapped in foil:

Re-assembled L2N:

[Test!](<embed) width=“600” height=“361” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowFullscreen=“true” allowNetworking=“all” wmode=“transparent” src=“” flashvars=“”>

I like that phrasing, i have also been looking to upgrade my bicycle visibility but i have not come up with any solutions yet

Hey TiVo, that was quick. Is that supposed to be a video?

$1000 worth of trits ought to do it.

Yes Rufus. We’re you not able to watch it? Looks OK when I checked it out. :beer:

$1000 worth of bicycle would also help :wink:

No, then it become invisible.


