New Arrivals! Bullet Shaped Multifunctional LED Flashlight, Laser Pointer & Ballpoint Pen, $1.99+ Free Shipping( World Wide)

Hi guys,

How are you?

Today, i am introducing a Bullet Shaped Multifunctional LED Flashlight, Laser Pointer & Ballpoint Pen to all of you.
Item Link:\_\_Ballpoint_Pen.html

Do you like it?

Have a nice day!

Best Wishes,

Those are actually pretty cool!

DBCstm did it first .

Hi kronological,

Glad you like it. :bigsmile:

Best Wishes,

Hi jacktheclipper,

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It is a step late.

BTW, do you like it? :heart_eyes:

Have a good day!


but will it get through the X-ray machines operated by government customs personnel?

Is this red light one a laser pointer for a flashlight?

Hi bosummer,

Yes, it is a laser pointer with red light for a flashlight, hope you like it :slight_smile:
