Don’t know if this has been posted yet but well worth a read. 4 times the capacity of current technology - WOW !!!
I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Check out the Wikipedia article for Li-S batteries. Li-S battery research had been going on for decades. There are a couple big problems that prevent it from being successful. Parasitic reactions and large volume changes in the sulphur cathode reduce cycle life. Also sulphur has very low conductivity so carbon is typically added which reduces the energy density. Li-S cells have been used, but I think the cycle life really holds it back from widespread use. They were used in the solar plane that could fly 24 hours a day that was in the news a few years ago. Those cells had 350 Wh/kg so about 50% better than the best Li ion cells.
I think the above article is talking about a development which would help the cathode deal with the expansion/contraction stresses from charging and discharging.
You should read about solid state batteries that they are working on. They will make any lithium ion batteries look like the stone age.
This is just another “NEW BATTERY TECHNOLOGY 400% BETTER!!!” bs article like all the other ones every week from the past 10 years.
They are all university or research lab prototypes that never will be produced or are years away from coming to market.
Unless there is a direct link to buy it you can ignore these types of hype articles.
Scientists at work making batteries better. Thank you for working hard for the betterment of life for all.
Maybe we should all get the HydroLight. Hey, it runs on water!
means nothing in a lab.
most will not be produced due to not being economical to make,dangerous,fragile,ect.