New Convoy C8 – Clearly better

Ok, feeling much more confident now that the grounding of pin #5 is why we cant get the USBASP programmer to flash firmware. I had the pin grounded on one driver - repeatedly tried, but could get it to connect. I was able to cut the trace from pin #5 clean, and now I am able to connect both with the black clip and blue clip.

the MOSI signal used on pin #5 by the programmer is pretty critical. MOSI is output from the USBASP, and MISO (pin #6) is serial input to the USBASP.

Interesting on a 105C, pin #5 is Star 2, so if Star 2 is grounded, same problem I'd think. For Star 3 and 4, they are not used by the USBASP.

This shows where to cut the trace on pin #5. It's tricky, because you still need GND connected to the 4.7k resistor:

Might be hard to see here, but this driver below has the trace cut, but I also cut in between the 7135 GND on the right and the 4.7K, so, had to add a jumper to the 7135 above. I flashed the low byte fuse to 0x75 on this one and all is working properly so far on the bench. Timing of strobes is corrected.

Need to install this in a light and bang on it for a while.

Dunno bout the other problem of getting stuck in a moon mode - hard to relate that issue to this one. It seems like the EEPROM got corrupted, but that doesn't explain it all. Really it should not be run at that high of a speed though - makes the config UI difficult at a minimum.

I'm kind of amazed so many of these lights and drivers have been sold with this flaky fuse setting. The driver with this firmware is a great deal though.