New flat Nichia LEDs : NVSW719AC and NVSW219C-V2

NVSW719AC ”Super High Luminance LED” :

  • Forward current : 1500mA
  • Pulse Forward current : 1800mA
  • Forward voltage : 6.76V at 1050mA
  • Thermal resistance : 2.5°C/W
  • Light emitting surface : 2x2mm (4mm²)
  • R9050
  • 3535 XP compatible footprint

The Vf is weirdly high for a 6V LED.

For comparison the B35AM : If=1800mA, Pulse If=2400mA, Vf=5.93V at 1400mA, Thermal resistance = 1.5°C/W, LES=9.7mm², non DTP 3.65mm footprint.

XHP35 HI (gen1) : LES=5.9mm²

There is also a flat version of the 219C : NVSW219C-V2

  • Forward current : 1800mA
  • Pulse Forward current : 2400mA
  • Forward voltage : 2.89V at 700mA
  • Thermal resistance : 2.5°C/W
  • Light emitting surface : 1.6x1.6mm (2.56mm²)
  • R70 and R8000
  • 3535 XP compatible footprint

Nice to see more factory dedome options.

I previously estimated the 519A LES size also at 2mm x 2mm by some quick measurements from a photo of a dedome emitter, so it looks like the 719AC will provide a very similar beam profile to the 519A dedome.

The high Vf is not the only weird figure. The preliminary data given (815 lumens at 1.05A and 6.76v) works out to 115 lm/W, which appears to be based on 70 CRI.

For the 519A, the data is given at a lower proportion of the max rated current (667 lumens at 1.4A and 3.03V), and works out to 157 lm/W.

Without trying to adjust for the 519A data seeming to be driven less hard, that suggests a 27% efficacy reduction for the dedome, which is higher than normally reported for hand dedomed emitters here. Perhaps there will a significant revision to the datasheet.