New Fugly Torch

See it here:\_trksid=p2056016.m2516.l5255!

Meh. I’d tap that…

Only 8000 lumens?

I actually don’t mind it. But it’s hilarious that they call a gold and chrome torch “tactical”

From what I am learning on BLF, I’d have to say that 3 XM-L’s might get you to 3000lm. Perhaps it’s a good Luke Skywalker mod. I am thinking blue lasers…

Very poor and cheap copy of the NITEYE EYE30. The anodizing is… :Sp

Wow I actually burst out laughing when I saw it.

if it was all flat black I might buy one…

I think it would go well with my new dentures.

Wish it would go "Bazing" whenever you turned it on and make a deep bass humming whenever you changed modes. Then one of those "blip" sounds that sort of dies out instead of actually end when you turn it on. Like "Bliiiieeh"

That could make me buy it. I'd probably give it away as a prize though after I annoýed everyone and their brother for a few weeks :-)