New guy, need info on couple things

Been modding my KD2 bike light. Pretty sweet now. Going to order a Yinding at some point to play with too. And have SS X3 thatll be here any day thats getting attacked next.

But running into 2 snags.

First is cables from battery to light head. 22 awg seems to be the standard and only size cables for these things. Already put 20ga silicone wires for driver to emitter, but want 20 or 18 for light head and battery pack cable.

Not afraid to “build my own” if I can get info on what and where to get it all (wire easy enough, connectors and housing for the wires) and link to any threads on doing them.

Second is BIG ONE. I was hoping a push button remote switch was available, doable. Something that simply the switch itself is isolated and can be clipped to pack strap or handle bars, whatever. Mine is for helmet lamp, changing modes from my camelback shoulder strap would be so much easier.

Thanks for any help you guys can throw my way.

Ok one better (was late and tired when I posted this)

If even extension cables exist with minimum 20ga wire, who has them. I can find any that have details specifying wire gauge.

If not or want to make my own anyway: I know connectors are 5.5 (seen them listed 5.4 as well…) but not sure what specs I need beyond that. Info on connector specs since 5.?? Seems to be common size for many applications.

What is the “sheath” you can buy that’s similar to heat shrink that goes over the paired wires from connector to other end?

edit: found button on ebay (not sure how I stumbled on it over in MTBR, was looking for other different info)

Hope that makes things more clear and specific.


Great questions. A great variety of momentary switches are available for pennies (and less each), but you have to buy them in bunches. They are just raw and would need to be housed and wired to your light. Wiring will be easy if you do a DIY power cable at the same time. Housing the switch is something you would need to find a solution for.

You can buy long lengths of shrink tube from Harbor Freight, but I don't know if it's flexible enough after shrank with heat. Seems like it would work fine though.

Really interested in what you find out about the power cable. Seems like a good deal of voltage/run time must be lost in those long thin wires.

EDIT: This might potentially work for the power supply jack but it's not threaded and water proofed.

So ya as much as I want to do larger wires to battery packs, not sure how doable it’ll be short of cutting open current connectors, soldering in larger wire, finding sleeves etc. Can’t find wire in large ga that’s already in the casing.

But switch I have sorted. Remote Push to talk buttons, $5 from china, cut the connector off and solder to existing switch on driver. Plans are more involved than that but found what I need to do all that. That task will be added to thread in putting together to cover everything ive done to my light.

Yeah, I agree right now. I searched for a good bit today and can't find anything that seems viable for the connector and for the the part that secures the cable to the driver. I asked a member that knows a lot about bike lights. He has something on the way to him. Not sure how it will work out, but hoping he reports when he receives it.

I think I found option for cables, well for barrel connector types anyway, lol…….well see