I just noticed this new series. It’s not even listed on JetBeams site.
I just thought I’d throw up this post to see who knows what.
The DDC25 looks like it has potential.
The ddc25 looks cool,I don't really like the others,they look like the nitecore explorers but more industrial and awkward lookin.They don't seem to be pocket friendly either,kind of disappointing.
dd series?
a sales flop, my prognosis.
Is it just me or doesn´t the DDC10 look a lot like a Zebralight SC60?
Except the display and knurling…
Saw these yesterday. Just hideous in my opinion. Definitely a fail for jetbeam.
I must say. I do like the pocket clips. I love deep carry clips that are screwed right onto the tailcaps. Eagletac mini series wrote the book on pocket clips.
I’m holding my thought on that until I can see some independent review pics and vids.
That was my initial reaction to the Nitecore Explorer series. In real life they turned out to be pretty sweet. At first they looked big and clunky but in real life they are quite petite my EC2 is as small or smaller than my SWM C20C and Z SC600.
As always with JetBeam…the inflated price.
Agreed on the eagletac mini series pocket clips.
I just think the display on these is a little tacky and they screwed on panels just look a little ghetto.
+1 on the ghetto-looking panels…
Solid aluminum whith a colorchanging led for powerlevels would look nicer.
+1 UGLY.
Form over function. The nitecore panels are just glued on. In reality, which is more functional.
I’m not trying to sell these…just trying to keep some thread action going.
I personally like them but I wouldn't spend that much money on them.
The DDC25 looks a lot like the Niteye TS20.
I sent an email to find out if The DDA10 and DDC10 accept rechargeable Li Ions. If not, all is lost.
$75 for an AA light? Even IF I liked the look of it, no way, no how, no thanks. And I do agree, a colour changing led to indicate power level is all that is necessary, hell I’d rather have a driver that emitts a flash of the led at 75, 50 and 25% voltage.
JetBeam and NiteCore seem to be at war. I’ll bet nitecore will have something new up its sleeve at a realistic price.
I really like the idea of being able to see what power is left, but they don’t look great.
Output on the DDC10 isn’t very good either.
Not Bad, but expensive
Ugly as hell, and expensive
DDA20 looks ugly indeed, the rest, well they are ok, but I also wonder whether one or two leds with different blinking patterns wouldnt be much better?
One led blinks - 75%
Other led blinks - 50%
Both led blinks - 25%
Both leds blink one after anohter - yer battery is empty.
Kind of like that, keep it cheap and simple.