New Life for Weak Push Light - LED Conversion

This project wasn’t mine I gotta say at first. A good friend of mine who likes to tinker with things, was wondering if he could improve several little 4 x AA push lights he had around his house. These he uses for power outages or in unlighted closets, etc.
So I suggested to him using some components we typically use in our flashlights.
So I came up with a Nanjg 105c 8x7135 3.04a driver and a XML T6 on aluminum star for him to play with. We were worried if the driver could handle the 6v of the 4 x AA that the lights battery pack used since it was only rated at 4.5v. But I figure it would likely be ok since AA’s alkalines tend to sag a fair amount under a load.
So my buddy went to work with the parts.
Only issue he really had was a melted back housing for his first attempt on high. I told him he needed a good heatsink for the LED star to sit on to dissipate that heat. So he came up with a sheet of aluminum that he cut out to replace the round cardboard plate that was used to actually push on the switch to activate the light.
So he used some thermal paste and a touch of epoxy to bond the XML star to the big aluminum plate.
And voila - a 800 lumen push lamp :slight_smile:
He said it works fine in all modes including the blinkies. So I thought it was a cool enough project that I would post it up here along with a few photos he took along the way.



I did this to all the ligths in my RV this past summer. Changed every light into SMD LED lighting, now i can run all the lights on for a week on a single battery charge. :slight_smile:

Yeah I have two here that I was going to try fasttech 4200k osram or the 119 nichias on about a quarter amp driver..not 3amps.. holy snarkys batman .. these lights were used as a wake up disoriented lights need nuff light to see the floor and get to the potty ..Not double as a motorcycle headlamp .

Well is does have low levels too.
Heck, I told him he needs to put a MTG2 in his next push light :slight_smile:

IMO that conversion is too risky, i would go for 2x7135 which would be far more then enough and far less heat to dissipate

Could we possibly get a shot of it in a dark room? I’m curious as to how much of that light gets through the dome, and what it looks like on the surrounding area.

I remember walking around as a kid with one of these little lights at night. :slight_smile: