New member here and after some research, I decided to pull the trigger on my first light, a Thrunite Catapult V6 in Cool White. Currently I own an old Pelican 7060 light, which was surprisingly strong for only 160 lumens. Led technology sure has come a long way!
So my questions are as follows:
1. Seems like NW is more popular, did I go wrong with the CW option?
2. What are your thoughts on this light for a keychain light: Olight I1R EOS
3. Since I got a good thrower, I’m thinking the next step would be a compact but strong flooder, similar to the Catapult in unanimous praise, size, and value. Suggestions?
1. Cw vs Nw vs hi cri is all personal opinion. Me- I’m not a tint snob and prefer max output, 6000k ish. That works form me.
2. Yes that olight is a nice light.
3. Now you need to head to MTN and build yourself a Convoy S2+
I’d prefer NW myself, but everyone is different. A lot of people have tried both and still prefer CW. If you want to try, you could get a low-cost but good value general purpose light like the Convoy S2+ and try NW (or even WW) for yourself.
I’ve tried CW (mostly Fenix lights, generally about 6500K), NW (several manufacturers including Convoy in 4500 - 5000K) and WW (Convoy S2+ 3000K). In the end, I just liked NW best
I don’t own one of those, so can’t comment on it. My keychain light is a BLF-348:
Single mode, high CRI, 5000K, 50lm for about 40 minutes on a 750mAh AAA NiMH (Eneloop). Mine is the “Keychain Hole Edition”. This is another way to try NW if you want to, with the added bonus of being able to try high CRI, even if it doesn’t actually become your keychain light.
High CRI means that you get better colour rendition - “more like daylight”, basically - which can be handy if you need to see colours accurately and distinguish colours which are close to each other. Besides, it just looks nicer Unfortunately, you do lose some output, which is why high CRI LEDs are more common in less powerful lights (with honourable exceptions like the Emisar D4).
I don’t tend to use flooders, so I only have a couple of smaller ones I bought out of curiosity. Nothing in the size range you’re looking for, basically.
Welcome to BLF ssbowtie1! Personally, I prefer neutral white over cool white. But there are also different types of cool white, some are somewhat blue and others are just pure white. As far as lumens are concerned, you’ll get more from cool white than from neutral or warm white. So it really comes down to preference. Best way to know which is best for you is to get some of each and do your own comparison.
My fav flooder is the Rofis MR70. It uses a 26650 battery(included) to provide 3500lumens and also doubles as a powerbank to charge your other lights and devices.
It also includes a sidelight which provides a high CRI LED for tent/reading/nightlight use.
Hi and welcome to the fanatic forum.
We all nuts but happy nuts.
That Catapult reads up a nice light. I’d go for it. It’s only one,
and you WILL buy a lot more once you start.
Those S2/S2+. I have one of each, along with 3 x C8’s.
Personally. The S2’s ( 1x I won)just sit on a shelf in cupboard.
I find basic tube lights boring myself. I use others.
Enjoy your new life mate.
and get used to the wife abusing you and threatening to cut up your card Chuckle.