New N-Lights at FancyFlashlights

I have always been impressed with N-Light's quality. 3 New Ones at Fancyflashlights:

N-Light HB-50 CREE XM-L T6 LED 1x18650 700lumens 5-mode Flashlight

Should be a good C-8 style thrower with SMO reflector. I like the shape and styling. $20 price is verrrrry tempting. I'm about to pull the trigger.

N-Light HB-60 CREE XM-L T6 LED 1x18650/2x18650 700lumens 5-mode Flashlight

At last, the long awaited (by me) replacement for the ST60. Mid range thrower with 51mm SMO reflector, 1x or 2x 18650 versatility and a better price by almost half at $26. Might be a two N-Light order. Hikelight, where are you to weight in?

N-Light XT-50 CREE XM-L T6 LED 1x18650 700lumens 5-mode Zoomable Flashlight

Could this finally be the first XM-L Flood to Throw with decent heat sinking and performance? Up to someone else to order and find out - only $17.50.

Thanks for the heads up, nice prices too. 8)

If I can get the FTT zoomable one, unbranded, I’ll buy a couple right now.

Just found those at QCG, glad I’ve used search before posting :bigsmile:
BTW, QCG sells HB-50 for 16 bucks only :open_mouth: Really tempting :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT on-the-fly: d’oh! $20 with shipping incl. at FF, $16 + shipping at QCG :frowning:

LOL-I was just typeing your Edit as info for you

Buying one is best from Fancy Flashlights,Free Shipping as youve realised.


The designs look very common but price are food.

Yes, N-Light design is similar to Romisen. Nothing fancy but functional. Tasty too! Sealed

I meant to say was price are good

Looks at qwerty if G is near F still before typeing


Pretty tempted to buy that zoomie…but I cant stand the 5 modes…

There’s a host kit available for the HB50. I am kind of tempted to built a light myself using this host. Is it difficult to find a good current regulated 20mm driver for this light?

Bringing this old thread back…… anyone have a HB60? If so how do you like it?