New toy - Fenix TK75

Just wanted to share with everyone my newest toy.

I got a lovely new Fenix TK75 in the mail today. I got it with the optional extension tube but as I’m sat in the office I can’t take any proper photos nor can I play about with it too much.

The reflectors certainly seem more reflective/clean than the TN31 but the TN31 still wows me every time I turn it on.

Size comparison:

I’m now waiting for the mail man to bring me another 10 x Samsung 18650’s and another 5 flashlights. Roll on tomorrow/next day :smiley:

You Sir are considerably richer than I :smiley:

Very nice light indeed. I’m looking forward to the beamshots/comparison

Thanks for sharing

Very, very nice, Chris! What other lights are you waiting on?

Two beautiful lights you have there. Congratulations on your latest acquisition.

I’ll get some beamshots up as soon as I get a chance. If I don’t get onto it tomorrow night it’ll be a wait until monday.

I’m waiting on:

Nitecore EA4
Nitecore SENS CR R5
SkyRay K-102 XP-G R5
FandyFire ROOK

I thought there was five but it was just four.

Then there are 10 x 18650’s, 4 x 14500’s and a few other bits and bobs.

I’m not planning on buying too many flashlights for a while. Got my eye on the Olight i6 and the Skyray King from Wallbuys but thats not a certainty!

I can compare the TK75 to the TR-J18 too as I’ve got one of those sitting at home. The TR-J18 claims a whopping 6000 lumens! Sure enough it is no way near that but we’ll see how it compares.

Nice light and nice headset (I have the same headset in 64 ohm version)

Congrats Chris on your new flashlight of all flashlights. The TK75 is even better than I thought it would be. I love mine. Got to be at the top of my list. It sure beats the heavy TK70.

Oh yes, I love my DT770 80ohm’s. Currenlty running them through a Fiio I7

I think the TK75 with the extension tube will be quite a meaty beast. Not sure if I’ll ever use it with the extension tube but thought it’d be silly not to buy it considering how “cheap” it was.

Wow very nice

updated with the pics of the TK75 with extension tube on

1 How long can the Fenix TK75 lasts?

2 Can it functionate for years?

3 What is the fat oily substantion in the inside of the tailcap? Where you screw and unscrew it? Do you have that too?

i not want getting the whole flashlight getting oily.


1) 1 hour 15 min on Turbo, 4 on High , 12 medium, 200 low.

2) Fenix makes good products. It should be expected to work great for years.

3) They lube the threads unlike cheaper flashlight makers. This keeps them from getting stuck and grinding down over time as you change batteries. Nothing to worry about.

Thanks for your fast reply,

1 But does the batterutube not getting oily,because of the tailcap?

2 Is it brighter than average modern carheadlights on high beam? the Fenix TK75?

3 My Fenix E21 ,i have for a year now, looses it against a carheadlight, why?

4 Do i need it serious, when fenix says, that it is 1 meter impactresistant, and 2 meters waterproof?


Okay I didn’t get any beamshots last night but this is my new favorite flashlight.

If I could improve it in one way it’d be to have a magnetic twisty switch like the Thrunite TN31 - oh and to have the super low mode of the TN31.

I will aim to get some pics up on sunday night UK time. Got a busy few days coming up so wont get a chance to play too much.

I’ll try and get a comparison against my Volvo’s headlights too.

Oh and the comment about a Fenix E21 VS car headlights. The E21 WILL LOOSE. It is around 150-170 lumens VS 2000+ lumens for headlights.

Wow, TN31 reflector is considered very shiny to me, but TK75 is shinier.
Congrats on your purchase.

Great choice.

How do i prevent the glass on the head of the TK75 from dustparticles?

After every use its getting have dustparticles on the glass.

Is a 90 lumens light ,and with a beamdistance of 60 meters impressive or not?

And for how long ,can you left the batteries inside the TK75? For a month of no use?

Li,on batteries do not leak?


Clean the glass with a cloth. simple
90 lumens isn’t much. 60m isn’t much.
This is 2600 lumens and 600m throw. Thats 10x as much.
I think the batts will last about 6months without doing anything due to drain in the light. leave the tailcap twisted off and you’re good to go.

yep, what chrisc sez. I leave my 75 tailcap screwed out 2 full turns when she’s resting…locked out nicely.


1 How far can a carheadlightbeam goes,a halogen one, of a normal standard car, like a ford focus/mondeo Toyota or Mazda?, when shining straight forward?

2 And what distance can a powerfull modern HID Xenon Carheadlight, of a Expensive BMW, Audi, or a Volvo, reach? Also, if shining straight to the horizon? Forward.

I hope my Fenix TK75 wins it ,of a carheadlight. Am i (hopefully) Right?

3 Sometimes cheap flashlights have dustparticles inside at the surface of the reflector, after months of use, i see on mine cheap ,but bright ones,

Whats that, how come?

How can dust come into a flashlight (reflector)?

I hope the TK 75 does not have that.
