Just had an e-mail from Wendy at sz-eyoung promoting this: http://www.sz-eyoung.cn/product/469406882-210820235/TrustFire_Lithium_battery_fast_charger_10430_10440_14500_16340_17670_18500_18650_.html
Normally I simply delete this sort of thing......but for whatever reason I checked it out.......OK a 4 cell AC/12v DC charger (4x500mA channels). From the photos it doesn't look too awful.....But I'll probably order the Xtar from MF anyway.
I was going to buy the Xtar but this charger makes me doubt :) anyone could advice me?
Another question a bit off topic. The xtar has an US plug but i live in europe, would this be a good buy http://www.manafont.com/product_info.php/europlugdiameter-38mm-to-flat-unearthed-socket-converter-p-1239 ?