Wow! The new UF-980L light from ULTRAFIRE sure looks handsome. Judging from the images, it's solid-looking and well-made. This one looks like it means business.
Nice one, really. Perhaps a black non crenelated bezel would be even better. I really doubt the strike bezels ar really what most customers want... but on the othe hand could be...
Wish you hadn't posted that link, now I want one too :)
That sort of crenellation I can live with - it means you know the light is on when placed head down. This is a big deal for the high-power incan guys as those things can easily start fires. Even my ROP can pump out quite a lot of heat, and there are people running 8x the power of bulb.
Besides it would grind off easily - well as easily as one can grind stainless steel which is kinda hard stuff.
Do let us know how you get on with them. Even the most basic comments are a lot more useful than what it says on some random vendor's website. and we all have different wants and requirements so everyone's viewpoint is important.
I talk a lot more than most, but you know way better than I can ever do what suits you best. Please do let us know what you think, and why.
i've been having trouble deciding on which xm-l light to purchase.
the c8 seems to be a crapshoot/gamble/lottery, and with all the good reviews of the ultrafire hi-med-low drop-in i decided that this would be a good choice.
this, along with the uf-h3 and my quark mini-AA should keep me satisfied.
i might get the lumapower MRV if i need a budget thrower...
Based on experience I'd guess this one puts out anywhere between 650~700 lumens when first turned on (I hope). Assuming that 980 lumens is the emitter output that's allowing for a 30% drop.