Quick and simple. I had been wanting a nice and powerful UV flashlight in the 365nm region (not the cheapo 395nm - 405nm). It needed to have a nice even flood spill. I haven’t seen enough build threads using this LED, so I thought I would contribute. This forum is where I actually found a lot of useful information, so I thought I would give back.
So here we go. Nichia NVSU233a 365nm UV LED. I’m sure you can figure out where I got it. Flow soldered to MCPCB and then to the brass pill.
1050mA NANJG AK47 driver. The brim was filed down of excess solder so not to cause any interference after the picture was taken.
Mounted in a UF-T20 zoomie host that seemed to take forever to get in stock. I know the LED looks dirty — I cleaned the LED with rubbing alcohol after this shot.
Installed in host with unnecessary gasket.
LED closeup through the aspheric lens.
LED powered on low, taken through amber UV safety glasses — hence the green tint.
A little bit of experience ‘eyeing’ things in place coupled with a good dose of luck. If I were to do it again (or another flashlight where the MCPCB doesn’t quite match the pill), I would 3D print an alignment spacer.