Niwalker 5000 lumen light?

Going gear posted this

5233 lumen soda can shaped flashlight mm15 Nova

It came up in a discussion a week or two ago. Dual mtg2, driven pretty weakly to achieve that number. They do look neat and I think VN has a plan for a crapload of them.

There is a review of selfbuilt about the prototype (round about 7 month old). Of course some things would have changed, but who want to know more about the design can take a look.

Thanks Buwuve

This is the prototype #2 review.

When is this light supposed to be released? and for how much?

Goinggear has them I believe - $220

also, EDCplus to have it this month (

Supposed to have shipped to dealers yesterday.

fstoplight is offering pre-order for it on S$250.

Much too floody. It looks nicely compact though.

Dedomed, and driven harder, it will be a beast. EDC plus has them for a bit less.

Oooh… just when I thought I’m done buying another light :weary:
I love floody compact light, I wonder if Vihn is going to mod this light? :smiley:

No need to wonder:


Nice light :wink:

vinh’s latest beast:

be sure to check out the Youtube video!

Bizarre user interface.

Definitely not worth $220 in my mind. Think I could build this light for about $50 in parts and a SRK host!

But.... count me in once it drops below $125! Maybe a summer BlackFriday Sale at 50% off!

It’s being done WTS: MM15vn - Noah | Candle Power Flashlight Forum