No translation needed...

I’ve been following a thread here on BLF about a Black Shadow Terminator, and another member (fatlokwok) posted this just recently: 【云中-109】4头4锂侧按,BLACKSHADOW【终结者】体验... - LED手电(LED Flashlights) - 手电大家谈-手电筒爱好者之家 - Powered by Discuz! - along with “no translation needed”.

So why do I find this interesting (besides the value within the photos about a light which I’m interested in) -

Here is why I’m glad he posted this: I’m sure this story goes much the same for many of us here…

I liked flashlights for as long as I can remember, and for roughly the first 30 years of my life I just thought it was me and a few other guys out there somewhere who I would run into now and then who also liked flashlights - but no one as much as me. Then about 10 years ago I stumbled across CPF and Holy Crap… they do exist!! Others like me!!! LOL

Now I’m just used to it, it doesn’t seem strange anymore to me that people like flashlights, just like I do… however - looking at the Terminator flashlight thread in the link above, which is from some Chinese (I think) flashlight form, took me back for a second - It painted a bigger picture for me again - there are guys all over the world like me/us - Flashaholics… and that is kinda cool! —KartRacer31