Anyone know the run times for the M43 with NW V2 3A?
Why do you want to know?
I hope you won’t be trying to buy it, especially since you already have a Q8, Acebeam X80, and the list goes on…
I want you to save some money for the FW3A and the BLF Lantern when these come out.
Haha, just want to increase my collection of soda can lights. Don't worry, they don't go to waist as my friends keep buying my personal lights when they don't want to wait long enough for an order, so my collection is dwindling as we speak. I have a close neighbour obsessed with just about every light I have and he likes it that I test them and make sure they work as intended then pays me exactly what I paid for them so now and then I sell them to him at cost.
Oh nice.
Well, since the driver hasn’t been changed since its inception, the runtimes should basically be the same across all of the models, with the Nichia 219C version having the most stable runtime curve.
Moon: 694 hours
Low : 71 hours
Mid (UI1): 5h30min
Mid1: 8h16min
Mid2: 4h6min
High (UI1): 1h12min
High1: 1h54min
High2(will step down) 53 min
Turbo(will step down) 23,3 min
Be wary that the light has thermal control. Therefore, it will throttle itself if too hot, and the runtimes will not be accurate anymore.
Thanks Blue those times look very impressive. Would be a great little Winter light as the cold temps will keep the thermal control in check. I don't think my Q8 could do 23 min on turbo. I think a couple of minutes max from my experience.
Ah that’s the thing.
The M43 will step down if too hot, and the BLF Q8, on default, will time throttle at 3 min.
However, you can set the BLF Q8 to throttle on a defined temperature.
So if it cold outside, well, it will sustain max FET output as long as it can.
I never knew you could do that with the Q8, is it simple to set?
Follow this manual:
missed that in the manual thank you.
Great to see some runtimes! Where did you get them from?
To be honest, stock Q8 dont have any runtimes to compare (except 1x7135 mode).
M43 have fixed current in all modes (before step down after overheating or empty battery).
Q8 (as most other lights with unregulated FET turbo mode) dont have fixed output modes (except 1x7135 mode). Output amount depends from difference between cell voltage and led voltage drop. Output decrease is fast and sometimes you can get high mode with low battery lower that mid mode with full battery. This is one of the reason why most flashlights with FET driver dont have output and runtime label on the package box (what nitecore and others have).
As you can see, there are no simple ways to compare even two close output modes.