Does anyone make a non-anodized 502b, 504b, or LP2/LPM/etc host?
Second best option would be one with cheap anodizing that could be removed via bead blasting.
Is the one I just bought from DX a couple of days ago not anodized?
Does anyone make a non-anodized 502b, 504b, or LP2/LPM/etc host?
Second best option would be one with cheap anodizing that could be removed via bead blasting.
Is the one I just bought from DX a couple of days ago not anodized?
I have the silver 504b and it is silver anodized.
I assume it is thin anodizing, so I should be able to remove it if so.
Is it a fairly decent host?
Yes, it’s a very nice host. I much prefer it to the 502b. Why do you want to remove the anodizing?
Got some special plans for one as a gift, including a custom finish.
Cool, don’t forget to post some photos when you’re done.
Any regular anodizing can be stripped clean with alkali solution. IMO easier than finding unanodized version of the host you want.
This looks ridiculously close to the solarforce L2
I think Greased Lightning was the preferred solvent for removing the anodization from lights.
This. Works great. Just get some Greased Lightning from your local hardware store (Home Depot carries it). Then soak the aluminum parts in it for several hours.
Keep the parts discreet and agitate them occasionally.
Thanks for the suggestions!
30-50% NaOH solution. Faster, more dangerous. Use eye protection (!!!), breathing mask or well ventilated area.
Remove internals/lens, mask off inner tubing/threads with wax!
I used Greased Lightning on this build. It gets all the ano off, but leaves it with a dull white-ish finish. Then you can polish it up as much (or as little) as you like.
^ That’s a nice light.
I have an idea for a triple emitter light I’d really like to build, but I have no idea if it’s even possible. If it is, I’m still a LONG way off from having enough knowledge with this custom flashlight stuff to build it from the ground up.
Triple Nichia AA Minimag shortened for 14650 cell. Next OL Minimag w/deanodized bezel.
These were done with drain cleaner and masking tape.