Hi there, been lurking for a few months and I am really impressed with a lot of the work you guys do here. I like to tinker myself but am pretty green to lights/electronics. I have an Eagletac D25C clicky in Ti and I really love the size and the gui, however, the XM-L2 tint sucks. I also wouldn’t mind more flood/less throw. The easiest way to fix the tint would be to swap in an XML with better tint but after searching I can’t find a bin with high cri that doesn’t look yellowish/orange. I would really like to have a Nichia 219 4500k in there. The only problem with swapping in a Nichia is I will lose tons of output and this will be even more apparent if I find a shallower reflector or go mule. I have to do more measurements but squeezing triple Nichias in there is also an option although this will barely increase output over a single 219 with the stock driver. This seems really unlikey without swapping drivers completely but is there any way to bump the current on all modes of the stock driver? Turbo starts around 2A and drops to about 1.5 rather quickly. My other option is to drop the Eagletac all together and look for a RCR123 host with reverse clicky thats easier to work with. Any suggestions?