This brand was found on a site in my country.., some of the lights seemed familiar to me so , I stepped in..!
Black Shadow , Terminator Series , Balder , Convoy , ...along with others , now disappeared good budget brands , all together under Dakstar Logo..! Probable old remains stocks , bought for nothing , reprinted and sold for gooooood money..., 200 $ for a BS Terminator ? No way !
If you missed one in the past , now is a good chance to find one..!(?)
I wander , what will be next ? Old success cars ? Music Bands ? You name it !...
+1 ! You're right , chinese stuff.., the point was about the prices , OMG (!) and rebranding . Not all of us are living in USA , so the crap from your's stores are coming now in our' markets with less educated people ( I'm talking about flashlight education , btw...). Was not an advertising but a warning..!
Example : A Convoy S2 , priced now to about 15-17 $ in your country , is intended to be sold here for about 63 $ !!! The "normality" are not the same all over the world , right ?