so i want to mod a novatac i just picked up. i want to get a dr jones mokkadrv driver and put an xp-g2 nw or warm emitter in it. before i rip up a good light i got a few questions. from pouring over the Novatac mods and other Novatac treads i believe the the negative runs through the body of the light and the spring inside the body is running the switch signal from a contact in the tailcap to a contact ring in in the head. should i save the contact plate from the novatac? here is a link to the driver and wiring info
the contact plate in the novatac has two rings, one in the center with a spring soldered to it, the positive contact. there is outer contact ring that the spring inside the body contacts, (which i believe is the signal from the switch).
so i want to keep contact plate from the pill. i think the best way to go about this is to remove the positive spring from the new driver and add a short wire from battery positive(new driver) to the contact plate center ring. and then run a small wire from the fourth star (electronic switch from new driver) to the outer ring. and the use something to hold the whole thing together.
am i on the right track or do i need to rethink how to go about this? anyone who has modded a hds/novatac please i little help would be appriciated. i would have taken some pics of the novatac contacts. but i left the light at work so i wouldn’t play with it.
any pics of the actual driver inside the novatac? and how its wired?
thanks in advanced;