Now I Wait Patiently

Can you guess what is the flashlight I am waiting for?
Not Terminator4 nor EA4.

Fire Fox 3?

Is it the Olight SR95S UT?


Nope! She should be able to out throw FF3. :bigsmile:

garrybunk, you are right!
Maybe the answer is too obvious.

:) So you couldn't hold out any longer, eh?


Can’t hold out anyway as I keep buying smaller lights and depleting my fund. I told myself stop buying lights for at least 1 year now, as this SR95S UT put a big hole on me. It is not caused by SR95S UT alone, it is also due to I buy other smaller lights. I must stop and start enjoying my lights. Now 90% of my time is thinking about buying lights, only 10% is really having fun with my lights.

Isn't that the BLF way though? I think I enjoy the researching and reviewing of the lights more than using the light myself!


Nice light :slight_smile:
I look forward to seeing pics when you get it :slight_smile:

I also enjoy reading reviews and do research on lights online. But sometimes it is tiring and spending too much money at the end.
For me, I think balance and self control are needed.

I can’t remember posting any pictures of my lights yet. I posted zoomed beamshots of TK70 and TN31 though. I am wondering why I have DSLR but I don’t have urge to take picture of my light.

I hope this SR95S UT will be thrower king for at least 1 or 2 years to come.

Spoken like a true flashaholic! I’ve been the same way. But, up until Black friday, I was doing pretty well this year. Then all hell broke lose!

Is it just me, or has the market recently been flooded with great lights?

You're right. I remember a time last spring where it seemed there wasn't much new and exciting going on. (Of course I was and still am playing catch up since I've only been into flashlights for a little over a year.


I have your cure. Just agree to stop telling yourself that your gonna stop telling yourself that your not going to buy any more lights. That way you will not have anything stopping you from admitting that your perfectly fine like rikr and I when it comes to controlling your flashlight spending. :bigsmile:

ILF, I don’t see any cure for me. Whenever I stop buying lights, I start buying camera lens. I think I spent USD4K on lens last year, and only USD2K on lights last year. Compare to camera lens, flashlights are actually more saving money while spending money.
Who knows, I might just quit suddenly when I found new “hobbies”, definitely not collecting stamps. :bigsmile:

I just got my Olight T-20, with the XP-G2 bulb.

It’s front and center. I really like it.

I know it’s no SR95S UT… :slight_smile:

I like small lights too. I really love my new Fenix PD32 UE. It is so bright at burst mode. But it get very very hot within 3 minutes.

I normally don’t run it that long on high. If I am going to use it for that long, I will set it on medium, …which is usually enough light for most any task. I bet that Fenix PD32 is nice.

I run on highest settings depends on temperature. For PD32 UE, I was just testing it to see whether it really step down.

Which did you use, the 2x CR123A batteries, or the one 18650?

One 18650.