NSA Declassified - Avoiding Furbygate

These are NSA internal communications about the “threat” of Furbys in the work-place. They were released due to a FOIA case submitted by some bored denizen of the internet.

NSA Furby Memo Listserve : National Security Agency : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


And here is an article about what Furbys can actually do:

Of course it makes sense to be cautious about a toy that claims to learn. It sure is funny in retrospect though! :grin:

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I always wanted a Furby for some odd reason.

I’ll settle for a Talky Tina, though.

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I have a Gizmo Furby from many years ago.
I barely used it, but I don’t have the original packaging, and I’m not sure where it is. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I had a Furby growing up. It had similar markings to Gizmo from Gremlins, but was shaped like a standard Furby. It was fun at the time, partially because we got it second-hand with no manual and had to discover for ourselves what it could do.

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Yep, I think that’s the Furby that I have.
They went on a crazy sale many years ago, and my sister and I each bought one for ourselves. :+1:

I think my mom found a couple on a garage sale (she’s big on those). I don’t know where mine is now but safe to say it has been de-cluttered out of existence long ago. Too bad, or I could try something crazy like this:

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I wanna see him do the intro to “Baba O’Reilly” on that…

Idk if the poor Furbies would survive that lol