Best price I’ve seen for the NW version.
Nice but for 10 dollars less, I would chose CW.
They may list it for that, but just try and buy it. Those people are utter, clueless, time wasting douchebags! Their Paypal payment process dumps you onto a review order page with no way to exit (place order button is greyed out). I’ll never attempt to “place order” with them for anything, ever again.
Are you saying that you were unable to successfully go through the checkout with this particular item in your cart, or are you saying that you’ve had problems trying to purchase something else?
I know for a fact that many others around here have had no trouble buying from Lightmalls in the past.
It was the only item in the cart. I wasted over an hour trying to complete the purchase. They are not the only seller of these things and will take my business elsewhere…
I just tried the order process and had no problem
It looks like the problem is/was you can’t place the order without specifying a shipping method… but under Safari that box did not respond.