O-L's Christmas Giveaway of Non-flashlight items #2 We have Winners!

The Winners Are:

thebiggboss78 #17

parikos #63

PM me with your full name and address please



Two pencil torches. I have two sets, so two winners will recieve two torches.

Open to any member signed up on or before November 28th 2013.

Your post is your winning number. Random.org picks the winners.

Giveaway ends on December 6th. 2013 sometime during the 24 hours of the 6th.

Winners will be posted here.

In for number LUCKY #1 Hot Spot. TY OL !

Thanks for the giveaway!

ty … in

Could use. T Y

Thanks for the giveaway, OL. Count me in on this one!

Nice! :wink:

Please count me in, thanks.


Never had one, I’m in

I’m in. Please, thanks.

I'm in. Thanks!

Thanks !

Pencil torches! In.

I’m in, thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m in!

Count me in! thanks

I’m in

Those look cool. The burn on my arm from the butane torch I have now is just about healed, so I’m in.

Thank you for the giveaway