O/T Why do Women deny killing Batteries?

My wife will Kill (Run down below protection) a 14500 light on occasion and get pizzed at me when I say “You Killed it”
All I hear is ” I know I shut it off, Bullsheet, etc.”

I don’t care, that is why they are Protected, but it amuses me just the same.
I guess I just need to shut up and recharge the battery, but it never fails that I try to use the flashlight when she is present.

Yea, I need to shut up, never mind :slight_smile:

They see it as an appliance not an interest or something to keep track of or care about

Thats one of many reasons, i know a LOT of people of both genders who have little interest in keeping electronics charged, phones, flashlights, cameras, GPS or anything else that needs charging, they are always (ok only 90% of the time) running on empty

I actually don’t like li ion batteries because of the diminished lifetime that comes from leaving batteries fully charged, i always like to have everything fully charged and ready to use, which is another reason i like eneloops, unlike crappy regular NiMH they are low self discharge so i can charge them and a month or year later they still have the juice i put in them


The more i think about this the more i realize how eccentric i am, when i got my own place the first thing (maybe second) i thought about was setting up a charging station, BC700 for NiMH, USB for various, and specifically micro and mini USB for phone and li ion and a powerbar for additional USB and power bricks (cordless drill (nicad ) and cup nicad charger for saw. I specifically bought an end table for this.

When I saw how my girlfriend treated rechargeable batteries, I bought her her own set of Eneloops and hid mine where she would never find them.

draining eneloops will have little effect on their lifetime, li ion is very different


My girls hands me my H600 “it flashes these weird lights, take it I don’t want it anymore”. It was the low voltage protection warning.

I’d be happy to take it off your hands :stuck_out_tongue:
How did she react when you told her why?

She said she didn’t use it for that long. It was like 1.5 hours on high. Now I know the protection works.

Does that make her a closet flashaholic?
Did she want it back after recharging?

Yeah, on the other hand, watch how you treat my mothers sewing pins and scissors…

Oh yes she wanted it back allright. I went from zero flashlights to 20 in no time, and I find uses for all of them.

So she is a confirmed closet flashaholic then :smiley:

Why ?/ women ?

i think when Adam asked god ...he just shrugged and said IDK ... you looked content

She's wondering how long the battery in your pacemaker is good for .

Do women even need a reason?