Olight 16340 battery crap ?

I think my 16340 Battery from olight which i bought for my S1 baton is crap, its loading like 10% or so then when i turn on max brightness it lasts maybe 1-2 min ? I have tryied 2 different chargers it seems its loading like 10% of the so called capacity but is this normal for the battery to go so bad after what 7 months ? i havent even charged it maybe 30 times or so ? Can i send this back to where i got it if its under warranty less then 1 year old ? It bugs me because i have tons of those ultrafire 1000mah 16340 and those are years old still works wonder…

The turbo has a step-down after 1.5 minutes, but you can restart it after that. That’s not what you’re talking about though, right?

The 1000mah ultra fire cells are very low-quality, so it is surprising that they are performing better.

Yeah i just use them as i said the olight battery is utter crap as it performs now… charges as i said very little then both chargers show it green so what am i supposed to do ? i hope the store takes it back under warranty. and yeah those ultrafire are crap but that was before i knew better and bought them cheap from ebay.

i have one that also does that but my other olight 16340 no problem. faulty battery i guess.
i also have an olight 14500 that cannot handle blf x5 high mode. but keeppower protected and xtar can handle it.

I guess you do not have access to a Li-ion battery charger/analyzer such as the LiitoKala Engineer Lii-500 or the Opus BT-C3100. Using the test feature of an analyzer, you could determine precisely how many mAh of energy your battery is now capable of storing. You can also get a crude measurement of internal resistance.

In this case, however, it seems as though you have diagnosed the problem. You battery is not storing much energy.

As I do not own any 16340 batteries (I do own some 18350 IMR’s) I can only speak for 14500 batteries.
I am quite disappointed by the runtime of the (branded) batteries that came with my Olight S15R and Nitecore EA11.
Both are easily surpassed by the grey TrustFire TR14500 900mAH 3.7V (just repeating what’s on the wrap).
However: none of them is capable to make my BLF X5 blush. For that I use the red WindyFire’s, straight from the factory.

I gave up on 16340s in general - they have like 1/8 the energy of an 18650.


My old trustfire flame 16340’s from 5 years ago outlasted all of the bestinone / efest LMR’s that have died or are dying a bit prematurely imho
this has kept me from buying any more efests then i have to . the 10440’s and 18350’s are the only ones I’ve bought recently .
I do need to replace some dead 16340’s