Hi, I ordered a couple of the i2 specials from Banggood back on the 19th Jan.
Just curious if anyone has received one ordered after that date….
I would like to know if I am on the “slow mail journey” or the “backorder” one…
I’m also waiting on two of them that were supposedly shipped on Jan. 14.
I not surprised however, as my orders from China often take up to a month. I don’t think there is a back order situation here, as it appears the i2eos has been discontinued. I think they were on sale to clear them out. I’ll consider myself lucky if they show up, as I really like the one I already have.
Yes, back order probably isn’t an option…
I have sent off an email to them, hopefully I will get a response as to whether they have sent them or not.
I ordered one middle of January and received it in two weeks. I’m in the US, west coast.
Yes, as suspected, after a number of emails telling me they will have more “next week” Banggood finally admitted they were out of stock and not getting anymore.
Lets see how long it takes to get my refund…
Banggood are sheet
Sorry. I wish your eyes for the fastest of recovery.
I’m willing myself to not be concerned until next Monday, which will put me past the month mark since they reported shipping.
Oh well….they’re just flashlights, and I’m not lost in the dark. In the grand scheme of things it’s a problem so trivial I’m ashamed to voice it. When you consider how many people handle and have access to our parcels in their journey here, it’s amazing more of them don’t go astray.
I’m really glad to see some western suppliers enter the marketplace. I think my days of ordering from China have passed.
That’s probably the best attitude to have. :bigsmile:
None on eBay. Where are they ?
Well, my two arrived today from BangGood - shipped Jan. 14, arrived Feb. 13.
Definitely XP-G2s, and distinctly warmer in tint than the earlier XP-G version. Calling them neutral is not a stretch. I can’t say that they’re significantly brighter, but the improved tint makes them much more visually appealing. I’m pleased.
So where are the last ones. Are they for sale anywhere ? There are not any on ebay
I ordered 6, received 2 and have since had a couple of emails about the remaining ones asking whether I want to ‘wait for a week until they’re back in stock’ or have a refund. I have replied asking if they will actually have more in stock anytime soon, and so far have had no reply. It doesn’t look good though from what’s been posted in this thread.
I suspect Olight has discontinued the i2EOS, and possibly completed the last of the hosts with XP-G2s that they had on hand from other model after having used up all of their XP-Gs.
I further suspect that BangGood might have simply got a bargain on a “we’ll take whatever is left” basis - hence the $16 retail clearance price. They’re probably all gone, as there does not appear to be any more anywhere, including on Olights web site. RedForest, you probably got the last two on earth!
I notice these last two have radically different serial numbers than my first one, which may or may not have significance. My first one is “C129945” which possibly embeds a date code (?). These last two are “gy 063” (yes, lower case) and “gy 211”.
Perhaps Olight is on the verge of announcing an enhanced i2, or else a lucky few of us got an enhanced version by coincidence. I have to say I really like mine - the tint is that much improved over the earlier version.
I just wish Banggood didn’t suck so much, or I would’ve bought pretty much every flashlight deal that went by in the last couple months. After the first few orders said ‘in stock’ and went straight to back order, I just don’t trust any of their deals anymore. Seems like about a 50/50 chance of actually getting any of these good deals from them. Though to their credit, they did issue prompt refunds for the back orders.
I really like the tint on mine too. It is indeed warmer than your average cw light. I wouldn’t quite call it neutral as it definitely looks colder than 5000K. It could be 2A or 2D tint. The color is nicely balanced. Not too yellow/green.
I think that’s putting it rather mildly.
I placed an order for two on Jan 24. After reading this thread I checked my order status. It’s backordered - since Jan 24! There’s also a note on the order, dated Jan 26, to “Contact Customer”.
So their system accepted an order without having any stock. Either the system is poorly designed/coded, or they have some suspect business practices. Also, either they have the slowest email on the planet or their CS ignores their own system, because I’ve not received any email from them.
I’ve asked for a refund. It will interesting to see how long it takes to get.
Update: I did get a full refund - within hours of asking for it. So they are good at doing that at least.
I got a refund within 1 day. I waited for 4 days hopeful that the i2 would be back in stock. That didn’t happen, I replied to the email they sent me and got the refund on the next day.
I ordered on Jan, 20. Was on back-order 2 or 3 days later.
Got the information that the item was out of stock and asked whether I’ll wait for a week or cancel the order.
On Saturday I got the notification that the item is not produced anymore, I could cancel the order or take the i3s instead.
$16 for i3s is a good price.