When will they make one?
is it with XM-L2? :)
I wants one too. Wouldn’t it come with the XP-G2 like the upgraded i3s (which I have and love) ? :party:
One year now, Must have asked for to much.
EDC type lights probably aren’t nearly as profitable as their higher end lights. Same with other makers like Fenix, who have yet to upgrade their iconic LD01. So I’m not holding my breath. I did see on their Facebook page that Thrunite is making a new EDC 1xAA light. And the L10 is probably as good as what an I2s would be like. And you can get a D25A mini with the XP-G2 in it. Screw waiting for Olight, get the EagleTac
Bake one
11 mins at 500 degrees
my oven only goes to 250 degrees. (celsius of course! but maybe you meant 500 degrees Kelvin? that’s doable.)
You cannot bake that which does not exist
The Banggood $16 i2eos sale was with XPG2. I2 is now discontinued I believe.
Getting closer to a gold i2S? Limited edition 180 lumens i3s! More runtime on 20 lumens.
500 degrees Fahrenheit is 260 degrees Celsius (C x 1,8 + 32 = F) :evil:
They are not making the i2s. That is the i3s. Not sure what you mean.?