olight s15r new driver


I´m mostly an interested reader from this forum but now I have a question:

The driver from my olight s15r is defect.
Anyone knows a spare part for this light?

I can´t find such a small e-switch driver
If the new driver runs only on 14500 it will be ok.

Thanks a lot

Well… I have been looking for the same. I do not have any that are broken, but it would be nice to upgrade to something programmable.

Driver diameter ?

Not sure. I have replaced led’s in several, but only had 1 totally dismantled.

10mm : FET Driver - 10mm - Single-sided - MTN-10DD

12mm : FET Driver - ~12mm - Single-sided - MTN-SLdd - Perfect for AAA Clicky + Twisty

15mm : http://www.mtnelectronics.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=67_117&product_id=731

One of them should fit … There is also a 11mm version , and 17mm of course .

Many could be adapted, but it would be nice to have a FET, maintain the low voltage LED and a proper side switch. I do not believe that this is an off the shelf request. It would take software work to trigger the power LED and to provide lockout.

Thank you for your answers!

The diameter from the current driver is 15mm.

The driver from mtnelectronics is a little bit oversized for this little lamp. I´m not an expert but I think a FET-driver dont stop the current draw.

You could use this one as i said : http://www.mtnelectronics.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=67_117&product_id=731

If you mean parasitic drain , i don’t think there is an LDO driver in 15mm size.

Hy George!

I want a driver with max. ~1A.
The parasitic drain will be controlled by tailcap lockout :slight_smile: