Olight SR90 Intimidator modding?

Hello fellow LED freaks :innocent:
I have two SR90s, one with broken led chip. And i’m really interested in upgrading the LEDs to maybe a XHP 70 ?
What driver board should i get? I want to keep the flashlight as original as possible, keeping the original power switch and battery pack. I need the shallow focus on the original reflector, can the original reflector be used for the XHP 70?
And is there any new drop in LED compatible to the SST-90? So i could maybe use the original driver?

Kind Regards.

Has anyone done this before?

I think Dale has modded one, but it’s definitely not “as original as possible”

Well, when i mean as original as possible i don’t want to disassemble the something like the battery and completely destroy it.
I would like to keep the battery and reflector and the switch.

The smooth reflector would make the beam have a donut hole in it with an XHP70. An XHP35 HI, on the other hand, would probably throw pretty well.

Hmm, thanks! But what if i would like a more powerful light output? So for an XHP 70 i have to use something like the LUM 5-90 reflector?

Yeah, with the XHP70/50 leds, where you can see a big separation between the four die, you’ll either need a orange peel or faceted reflector. The Lum5-90 should work fine. Here’s a build thread by Old-Lumens where he used a Lum5-90 and a XHP70.

Okay, i had a look at that tread earlier. But what driver do you suggest using for the XHP70? there is a fairly good space inside the body for a driver, i had a a look at this driver
But does it work with the switch in SR90? i don’t need any battery protection as the SR90 has a BMS in the battery tube.

Where do you suggest buying LEDs? mtnelectronics has good quality but are all the cheap XHP on ebay/ali fake?

Or what does you suggest Mr djburkes?