Olight sr95s UT repair/mod

After a lot of searching, I couldn’t find any documentation anywhere on how to take one of these things apart, I’ll update the post with detailed instructions of how to at least put it back together which should be about the same as taking it apart.

That said, while I wait on new cells to arrive in the mail to rebuild the battery pack, I’d like some input on the SBT-70 LED, what can it do lumens wise, it seems like olight is pretty conservative pushing this thing and I’d be interested in doing a current mod.

Driver pictures below, what I believe to be the current sense resistors measure out at .5 to .6 ohm

For now my primary question is about the SBT 70 and what it’ll suffer current wise and how many lumens it might put out at those currents.

as said I’ll update this later with details on the rest of the light under the knife.

I really don’t know if you should keep this driver or update it with a fet one and use xhp70.2
Battery pack gives 8.4v, since it is 2s3p.

I would not be adverse to using an xhp 50.2 in it, I replaced the mt-g2 in a solarforce s2200 with one and was very pleased with the results.

I’ve not seen an xhp 70.2 for sale anywhere, nor any information on what sort of lux capabilities it has, I’d prefer to stay in the vein of thrower for this big light.

Now, I was caught unawares in my ignorance of the xp-g3, I ordered one and was stunned that it put out so many lumens, thinking “hey, this thing must throw forever” well, it doesn’t

Any idea on how the xp-l and xp-l2 might throw?

The xp-l2 and it’s ability to handle up to 10 amps means I might be able to just drop one in with the sbt-70 driver, saving me up to 20 dollars for a driver and I won’t have to change much other than possibly increasing the resistance on the current sense to reduce output. My wallet is still stinging from the 120 dollar host purchase, and another 53 dollars for 6 new tabbed 18650s to build a new pack.

Would an xp-l2 shaved dome or intact dome net me at least 250,000 lux out of this giant bowl of a reflector, if I’m going to change things up, I’d like to either exceed stock throw by a decent margain or match it with better run time.

The sense resistors are 0.025 Ohms 4 in parallel so 0,00625 Ohms plus some resistance from the copper traces
You can easily lower the output removing one or 2 of the sense resistors

For throw a dedomed XPL V6 at 6A or domesliced XPL2 @8A should give good results