Olight X7, Moonlight mode?

Actually i’ve faced this issue since very first time i bought this flashlight, but too lazy to ask
this issue is one of xhp70 doesnt work properly when on moonlight mode
only 1 of 4 dies in XHP 70 bright
and this problem only happens when using moonlight mode

Do i have a defective one, or maybe all the light have same problem

This problem is not a big deal, but i feel very uncomfortable when see only 1 die bright
here is the picture

and you can see that the led is quite off center(not a big deal, too, but also quite angry about this, especially it’s Olight)

Ouch. That doesn’t look right

There are 4 emitter with 4 different Vf at one Led.

That is why something gonna happen.

The emitter with the smallest Vf is on.

Doesn”t look good,but not a problem.

Regards Xandre