Please don’t laugh but I just got finished modding my Convoy S3. Put Illumination Supply’s XML2 5C1 on copper in there, along with the Qlite 3.04A driver from RMM. …and it WORKS! Nice warm tint, no blinking low mode, a little more juice and a moonlight mode.
The LED was glued in there and the driver was soldered in…it took quite a bit of work to get those out of there!
One question, moonlight doesn’t work sometimes, like when it’s heated up from running. What could that be?
Congrats on the mod. I do have serious concerns about your wallet and health though as it sounds like you may have caught a virus that has no known cure. Find a large desert with no transport and spend at least six months there. This is no guarantee of a cure but we must start somewhere. Just between you and me whats next?
Thanks! Honestly, I’m more into owning sweet lights than modding them. It’s just that I’ve looked at things illuminated by those darned ol’ cool white emitters for too long! I swore I wouldn’t turn into a tint snob, no…brighter is better, right?! Uhhhh….
So the Convoy S3 has been a favorite of mine but I started hating the bluish light and the low mode that blinks after 5 seconds & makes you accidentally switch back to disco mode and the lack of moonlight mode…so I fixed it!
What’s next? Probably buying an MX25L3 w/MT-G2 or SC600wMKII L2 or TK75vn or X40 or…something. :party:
Good to see you modding. I stick with these drivers, since the Qlites have been nothing but problems for me. I have never had a KD 7135 driver fail yet.
I’ve also wondered if it was the heat buildup in the driver or the LED that causes this. All of my Qlite flashlights (XM-L, XM-L2, & MT-G2) do the same thing when run on high for a few minutes, although the XM-L2 does it the most. If you leave it on moonlight you will see it flicker back on as it cools down.
I think I’ve seen it explained that the moonlight has a fixed low mA setting, and once the emitter heats up it’s Vf rises to the point that the moonlight mode will no longer be sufficient to power it. The setting is too low for a hot led to handle. But, as I’ve also read, why on earth would you blaze away for several minutes and then think you could actually see 9 lumens? The other way around, where it works, preserves your night vision…run it as long as you like in moon mode, if a sudden need arises for Turbo then it’s there waiting.
Logically, by the time your eyes adjust after the bright light, the emitter has cooled enough to run moon.
Nice work, and yeah, pics would be nice.
I use Qlites exclusively and have always loved em. To each his/her own.
Edit: FWIW, I almost never engage moon mode as the default low is perfect for me. I’ve used moon 2 times. Both times recently on the 2 triples I built.
I like the tint of Illumination Supply’s XML2 T5 5C1 too. Have several in desk lights, and an S3 too. More in the drawer waiting for other projects. It’s about as warm as I want to go just now and binning is a bit tighter with these as well.
Moon doesn’t even work after running on medium for a while…just tried it. Hmm…not a problem but just, curious. Also, this moon mode is dimmer than any other in my collection S10 - i3S - Wait, the RRT01 will go MUCH lower…nevermind. :zipper_mouth_face:
Does anyone know of a supplier in the US for an XML2 T6 4C on 16mm copper? I think that would be my favorite tint as the 5C1 is a just touch too warm. Still, I’d rather go toward the warm side than the ‘other’ side!
What a great, supportive community we have here!!! I can’t say it enough, y’all are awesome…thanks!!! :party:
Coincidently, today I replaced a cool white XM-L with a 5C1 XM-L2 in my Convoy S4 today and I’m loving the tint. I think I have the tint thing down now, 3C for bigger throw lights, 5C1 for lights like these and 7C-D for the small, close up lights.
And I whole-heartedly agree with Justin, I’ve had to many problems with the Q-Lites, as soon as I use up the ones I recently ordered I’m going back to the KD V2 (regular and moon versions). I don’t see any advantage to the Q-Lite.