Opinion of this charger

Does anyone have experience with this charger

Helping a friend get into flashlights as cheap as possible without buying garbage. Also looking for a package deal with a charger and two 18650 cells if there is such a thing.

This seems to be a Lii-202 clone. The Lii-202 is actually cheaper: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers/pp_424662.html?wid=21

It’s been rather favorably reviewed by HKJ:

May be the LiitoKala Lii-202 renamed, if so, it is not bad. I have a Lii-202

Thanks guys. That should work just fine.

Side question… anyone know a cheap charger (1-cell is fine) that displays only the battery voltage, vs 4 LEDs or so?

Other bells’n’whistles are fine, but am mainly interested in just monitoring the voltage and inferring SOC. Even just popping in a cell to read the voltage w/o applying power.

Don’t need fast-charging, conditioning, jump-starting a dead cell, multi-chemistry support, nothing like that. Emphasis on cheap and simple.

Was gonna make one with a 2-wire voltmeter (eg, https://www.fasttech.com/products/1005/10017168/4512800-0-28-3-digit-led-voltmeter-module ), but figured already-made would be more compact.


Have you checked out the Li 100? It shows percentage of charge via 4 LEDs (no direct voltage display) but it does have 2 selectable charge voltage levels for LiIon and does NiMh as well though that display isn’t as precise according to HKJ.


Define cheap.


@jigsaw if the original is cheaper I’d say go for that :wink:

A single cell Liitokala li100 costs around $5
But no precise voltage just four LEDs.

Voltage is approximate on Li-ion and pretty much useless on NiMh. I had a Xtar VC4 with a ‘fuel gauge’, which showed the state of charge. It was really no more useful than the 4 LED jobs, but that’s better than red/green light finishing.

I ordered the one pete suggested along with a pair of Samsung 30Q. Thanks to all who replied.

As far as I know in the low end of the spectrum the single bay opus charger around $12ish depending on sale. Has voltage display and every other feature of the opus 3100 2.2

The xstar vc2 is usually around $16-17 only does .5 amp charging. It will show voltage from 3.0-4.2 but not a exact voltage readout. You can see 3.5 then bar will go to 3.6 etc. You can’t see past the first decimal place

A few bux. Got an i4 which I hardly use anymore because I usually charge “on the go”, either the 2buk charger from FT (AC plug-in) or Miller whatever-number (USB-sourced).

I just want to see the voltage as it’s charging, or just plug in the cell to see the voltage as-is.

Got a small project box, a cell holder, the voltmeter module, and guts from a charger, just want to save myself the trouble from throwing them together if I could buy one off-the-rack.

That’s kind of why I was asking about the digital-readout charger. If I plug in a cell, I have no idea if it’s at 90% charge or 10% charge, at least not on a red/green cheapie charger.

Just saves me the trouble of wedging the wire-ends of the voltmeter to the battery-ends. :smiley:

Mmm, saw the C100, which looks nice. More compact than what I could put together…

Is it all in my imagination or hasn’t there been at least a couple of posts with people adding the $1.50 meters to liitokala 100 chargers? (Well mtnelectronics has them for a little more, I got mine in a 10 pack from BangGood.)

This seems like a quick solution to what you are looking for.

[edit]like this post here [/edit]

Yeh, that’s what I was doing “manually” by wedging the bare wires across the cell.

Nice solution to fit them inside like that, though! Kinda my ideal solution.