Orbtronic released the first 3600mAh 18650 Li-ion protected battery cell

Orbtronic has released new *3600*mAh 18650 Protected Li-ion battery.

Link is to Facebook page.

If you know anything else let me know :wink:

Nothing really new on that German forum. People just wondering where, how, when, but no info on that particular cell.
These are the first protected 3600mAh available for sale in USA. That should be some kind of good news.
Orbtronic released them even before that first post 2 weeks ago.

There are only a few information released about the new battery type. Her is a short summary about the thread I start in the german forum.

Keeppower was the first company, which shows the batteries:

A shop owner who bought Keeppower batteries for his shop also order some of the new Keeppower 3600. At the moment the batteries are really rare and he couldn't tell, when he will get these, but he will send one to HKJ.

I think in a few weeks we will have a review about the Keeppower 3600mAh battereis and the result would be similar to the Orbtronics.
The new batteries are much more expensive as the 3100/3400mAh Panasonic cells and I will not pay much more for only 200mAh more. This is only interesting, if the discharge curve is much better above the line of 3,3V. Usually I discharge my batteries only down to round about 3,3V. I don't use the capacity which is available below this line.

I suppose this means Panasonic fail to release 4000mAh this year… :frowning:

Might be expensive but a new top battery should help push down the price of 3400mAh panasonics.

This post is about batteries that are actually available today in USA. Not about if, when, how and where.

I 100% agree with poster above “Might be expensive but a new top battery should help push down the price of 3400mAh panasonics.”

3400mAh are already cheaper, and 3100mAh are bargain

Panasonic never intended to release 4000mAh in 2013. 4000mAh will be released in 2014.

I have checked the shipping costs to other countries (US are free) and these are extremly high: Price for a pair of 18650:
Germany Priority Mail International $42 (6-10 days), express $54 (3-5days) UK: $49 and express $54, Australia: $46,95, express $56.

I also started a thread on the Keeppower 3600, and while they might have announced their cells first, they took too long to start selling them. They couldn't even provide a data sheet.

These Orbtronic cells look nice, and I might get one, but I only want one at this price, and in a couple months at that.

So what’t the big deal with these lower powered ones?
Buy the Best, ULTRAFIRE!
Or at least Tangsfire.
Sarcasm on:)


Yes, price for 2 shipped internationally is $42, but price for 10 or 20 is almost the same :wink:

Shipping from USA to EU is not the point of my post.
The point is that these are the first (in the world)
protected 3600mAh 18650 cells available right now.

You are right, but the information that the first 3600mAh are available create the wish to order these :)

3400 vs 3600? I don’t see much point in there :slight_smile:

New LED tint released (7% increase):

People be like "wohoooooow!!!!! upgrade all mah flashlightzzzz"

New battery released (6% increase):


Progress happens in small steps.

Improvements sometimes come in small steps. Combined a few together and you get a bigger leap.

Newest info on these cells: NCR18650G is currently said to be exclusive to 2 japanes Laptop manufacturers, so the origin of cells sold by Orbtronic/Keeppower is doubtfull. B-grade cells, Laptop pulls, "fell off a truck" and so on.

Well for $22 these 3600 Orb's better be real. And the minimum order is (2) cells

Keeppower 3600 site

the thing I like about all of this is that 3400mAh cells will eventually come down in price

seriously a 4000mAH in an 18650 format? Personally I would wait for tbese!

Because Panasonic doesn't sell low volume to anyone. They usually only deal with high volume distributors. In fact, if Fasttech has them it would mean they went through 3 hands. Panasonic>Large Distributor>Wrapping/Protection Manufacturer>Fasttech. We've tried to contact Panasonic directly and always get the run around. It seems unless you're purchasing tens of thousands at a time they aren't interested. On a side note I'm fairly certain the Orbtronic ones being sold are sample units, volume sales of the 3600 has not hit the market yet.